آرشیو :
نسخه بهار 1400
نوع مقاله :
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کد پذیرش :
موضوع :
موضوعی تعریف نشده!
نویسنده/گان :
محمد شیرخدا
کلید واژه :
مدیریت دانش، کارآفرینی، کسب و کار، دانشگاه کارآفرین.
Title :
Analysis of the impact of knowledge management on corporate entrepreneurship
Abstract :
Entrepreneurship is one of the effective components in economic development and infrastructure of knowledge management is essential for many activities. Today, knowledge management and corporate entrepreneurship are two approaches that organizations use simultaneously to discover and apply their competitive advantages and are two important criteria for evaluating success. Strengthening entrepreneurial interactions and knowledge management can promote entrepreneurship as well as expand management Knowledge is effective. Some goals and activities of knowledge management are the infrastructure for entrepreneurship and on the other hand, the subject of knowledge management can be the basis of various entrepreneurship. As entrepreneurs often lack the support of research and development units, the existence of public knowledge management systems can fill this gap and be used as a system to support decisions. On the other hand, knowledge management services can create a variety of entrepreneurial activities. In the present article, while defining and examining knowledge management, the principles, success and failure factors of knowledge management are discussed, and the interaction between knowledge management and entrepreneurship is examined, and it is emphasized that knowledge management is a very important infrastructure for expanding, strengthening and Continuity is the movement of entrepreneurial activities.
key words :
knowledge management, entrepreneurship, business, entrepreneurial university.
مراجع :
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- صفحات : 87-99
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