آرشیو :
نسخه بهار 1397- جلد دوم
موضوع :
موضوعی تعریف نشده!
نویسنده/گان :
محمد جواد صفایی، فاطمه بکها
کلید واژه :
زن، تعليم و تربيت اسلامي، فمينيسم، كرامت انساني
Title :
Women from the perspective of Islam and its opposition to Western schools
Abstract :
In the present age, which is referred to as the age of communication, the concept of national and cultural borders has disappeared. Introduce yourself as a defender of human rights and women's rights. In such circumstances, the need to pay attention to Islamic thought about women and the definition of her dignity and humanity in the Qur'an and hadiths becomes clearer.
The school of feminism as the representative of Western thought about women is the most degrading school in the introduction of female personality. Because feminism introduces a woman as an imperfect and pitiful man and then puts her rights in competition with men. According to the ideological foundations of the school of feminism, not only is the rights of women not realized in this school, but it also causes serious damage to her personality. Contrary to this short-sighted idea, Islam presents the status of women in human life as very high. Islam has placed the right of woman in her being which is achieved with proper education. That is, if our daughters grow up according to Islamic education, they will automatically achieve their rights and will attain the dignity and humanity desired by the Almighty Creator and the religion of Islam. Islam emphasizes the educational role of women as the first teacher of humanity and she tries to prepare women for their duties by presenting the true concept of women and introducing it, so that human life does not deviate from the path of perfection and the purpose of creation. For the women of the world until the Day of Judgment, Islam has introduced the Lady of the World, namely Hazrat Fatemeh Zahra, peace be upon her, as a model, role model and savior of the truth of the existence of women from the devils of man and jinn. In the present study, the original Islamic thought about the role of women in human life and its comparison with the views of Western schools, including the degenerate idea of feminism, has been studied. Feminist views of women are categorized. As a result, it becomes clear that Islam's view of women is a human view that pursues the inherent rights, dignity and supreme status of women in human life. But Western schools enslave women in the name of freedom in the grip of sexual slavery and the lusts of men, and this is the patriarchy that feminism claims to fight.
مراجع :
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12- مطهري مرتضي، بررسى نظريات تحقيرآميز درباره زن و ديدگاه اسلام در اين رابطه
- صفحات : 17-27
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