آرشیو :
نسخه زمستان 1396- جلد سوم
موضوع :
موضوعی تعریف نشده!
نویسنده/گان :
جواد مزنگی، سمانه اسماعیل پور
کلید واژه :
مذهب، ایالات متحده آمریکا، پیوریتنها، سرزمین موعود
Title :
Role of religion in USA establishment
Abstract :
Religion as one of the social components has a deep impact on political and social developments of societies including US. The main question of the article is that how religion has influenced on the establishment of United States. The hypothesis of the article points to that the country has been influenced in all periods of establishment by religion. In order to prove the hypothesis, We have studied diverse periods of US establishment including US discovery and foundation, Puritan migration, genocide of native Americans and indigenous people, US civil wars and manifest destiny. We have had analytical approach to use data library in the article.
The studies reveal that main motivation of Christopher Columbus to discover America has been religious considerations. Migration of European puritans especially English ones to American continent was occurred under religious beliefs to start promised land and city on the hill. We have also concluded that genocide of native Americans and indigenous people in America, US independence from UK, foundation of United States, US civil wars and Manifest destiny have been influenced by religion and religious motivations which show the role of religion in the early history of United States of America.
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- صفحات : 11-18
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