آرشیو :
نسخه زمستان 1396- جلد سوم
موضوع :
موضوعی تعریف نشده!
نویسنده/گان :
شایسته احمدی، فاطمه غیرتیان
کلید واژه :
واژگان کلیدی: مذهب، ایالات متحده آمریکا، سیاست خارجی، قانونگذاری
Title :
Role of religion in US law-making and its impact on foreign policy
Abstract :
Laws in different social arenas including foreign policy are under the influence of society's civil religion and religious beliefs of lawmakers and interest groups. Due to the importance of this factor, the current article seeks to analyze role of religion in US law-making and its influence on foreign policy arena. The main question of the current article is that can we consider an effect for religion on law-making in US generally and foregin policy laws of the country particulary? The hypothesis of the article emphsizes that religion has played a key role in law-making in US and there has influenced on US foreign policy goals and measures. The authors seek to answer the question by analytical approach to collect data library in the article.
Studying United States declaration of independence, US constitution, constitutions of different states in the country, congress laws, executive organizations's policies and law, civil liberties law, instructions about human rights and religious liberties principles, teaching literature and history of bible in the public schools, Ten Commandments installation in some state courts, Pledge of Allegiance laws, mention of God on US Currency, Thanks giving Day declaration, judicial precedents of US supreme court, Presence of priests and religious clergymen in diverse organizations and approach of US Department of State to pursue human rights religious liberties affairs reveal that despite secular face of structues and laws in the country, religion and religious viewpoint has played a significant role in law-making, law interpretations and their pursuit in foreign policy arena.
Key words: Religion, United States of .America, foreign policy, law-making
مراجع :
الف- فارسی
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- صفحات : 19-25
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